Digital technology procurement shouldn’t erode human rights.

Digital technology has revolutionised the way we communicate, work and live. However, it has also created new challenges for protecting human rights. From online harassment to internet shutdowns, digital technology systems can be used to violate human rights. That is why it is essential that we have a clear understanding of human rights and how they apply in the digital age. Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to all of us. They are based on the core

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Five things you didn’t know about Incognito Mode

Incognito Mode is a feature in most browsers that allows users to browse the internet without saving their history, cookies, or other information. It’s often used by people who want to keep their browsing habits private, for example, by employers who don’t want their employees looking at pornography or other websites they deem inappropriate. Here are five facts about Incognito Mode that you may not be aware of: Incognito Mode doesn’t keep you anonymous. Your IP address can still be

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Taking a fresh look at contract monitoring.

Contract monitoring is the process of overseeing the execution of contracts by ensuring that the terms and conditions of the contract are met. This is important because it helps to ensure transparency and accountability in government contracting. By ensuring that contracts are correctly executed, we can help reduce corruption and ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. Benefits to contract monitoring There are many benefits to contract monitoring, including: Reduced corruption and waste Improved transparency and accountability Greater efficiency in

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Design patterns and how they can save your software development project.

Design patterns are solutions to common problems that software developers face. They are not specific to any programming language or development environment and can be used in many different situations. Design patterns can be beneficial for improving the quality of your code and making it more maintainable. However, they should be used with caution, as they can sometimes make the code more complex rather than simpler. Design patterns can be a powerful tool for solving common software development problems when

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How IT can assist in bringing transparency and accountability to African elections

One of the most pressing issues facing Africa today is the problem of opaque and unaccountable elections. In many countries across the continent, elections are marred by fraud, violence, and irregularities. As a result, the people’s will is often not reflected in the outcome of the vote. This problem is compounded by international donors financing many African elections. These donors often have little oversight or accountability over how their money is used, resulting in a system that is both opaque

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