3 Simple and Popular Hashtags to Make You a Data Science Rockstar

Are you looking to sharpen your data science skills? Whether a beginner or an experienced practitioner, using hashtags can help you expand your knowledge and strengthen your skills. In this post, we’ll introduce three popular hashtags that are relevant to data science. We’ll also provide tips on how to use these hashtags effectively. So, if you’re ready to become a data science rockstar, keep reading! What are Hashtags? A hashtag is a keyword or phrase prefixed with the symbol “#.” Hashtags are

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The future of Responsible AI: How African governments can lead the charge on responsible AI adoption

When it comes to the future of AI, one question looms large: how can we ensure that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly? This is especially important in Africa, where the adoption of AI is increasing. What is Responsible AI, and why does it matter? The term “responsible AI” has become increasingly popular in recent years. But what exactly is responsible AI, and why does it matter? Responsible AI is a way of making and using AI technologies that

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution — Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Algorithms: How Will It Affect My Life?

The term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” was first coined by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, in 2016. It describes the transformation our societies and economies undergo due to the rapid development and adoption of new technologies such as smart devices, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and algorithms. This fourth industrial revolution is different from previous ones in that it is further propelled by the increasing connectivity of people and devices and the exponential growth of data.

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Digital technology procurement shouldn’t erode human rights.

Digital technology has revolutionised the way we communicate, work and live. However, it has also created new challenges for protecting human rights. From online harassment to internet shutdowns, digital technology systems can be used to violate human rights. That is why it is essential that we have a clear understanding of human rights and how they apply in the digital age. Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to all of us. They are based on the core

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Augmented analytics may be the game-changer for your company.

Our best shot at decentralizing business analytics At this point, every business recognizes the critical nature of data analysis for business growth and data-driven decision-making. By 2023, companies worldwide will have generated 163 zettabytes of data. So why, then, are so few businesses leveraging data to inform business decisions? Data analytics is not for the faint of heart. Data on its own means very little; it only becomes information when combined with context. And can we then glean insights from

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What’s the big deal about the Metaverse?

What is it, and should you care? To put it simply, yeah, you should! The Metaverse is a term used to describe a future version of the internet where users can interact with each other in a virtual reality environment. Think of it like the Matrix, but instead of being stuck in a computer simulation, you can actually walk around and explore this digital world. Wikipedia defines it as a collective virtual shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced

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