Modern Analytics — A Data Stack For Successful Reporting

What exactly is a data stack? A data stack is a process of collecting, storing, and analyzing data in order to make better judgments. Data stacks are made up of many components that work together to build an end-to-end solution for reporting on your company’s most critical data. These components include ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load), which extracts raw data from multiple sources such as social media or portals, transforms it into useful formats such as tables with columns, and

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What I learned about Neo4j in 48hours

This blog post will discuss what you can learn in 48 hours of reading about Neo4j. We’ll also discuss why graph databases are useful and how to use them. Finally, we’ll give a summary of the fundamentals of Neo4j. Graph database systems have been around for over 20 years, but they’re just now starting to get adopted by businesses because their benefits are so immense! For example, graphs are great for modelling relationships between entities, which relational databases struggle with

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