How does Africa compare in terms of public procurement spending to other continents?

Highlights According to the World Bank, Africa spends less on public procurement than other continents. Africa has a higher corruption risk in public procurement than other continents. Africa has a lower capacity for public procurement than other continents. African countries have different levels of capacity for public procurement. What is public procurement, and why does it matter? Public procurement is one of the most important aspects of the global economy. It helps to ensure that governments get value for money

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Love Technology But Not Sure You’re A Coding Wizard? Check Out These 5 Awesome Tech Jobs For You.

If you’re reading this, the odds are good that you love technology. You always use your smartphone and always check or surf the internet, right? But what about programming? Does the thought of writing even one line of code make you cringe? If so, don’t worry — you’re not alone! Many people are scared of coding and find it difficult. Luckily, plenty of great tech jobs don’t require you to be a coding wizard. Here are five awesome tech jobs

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