How to easily build an API from a CSV file.

Build an API in 2 minutes or less APIs are a convenient approach to getting or manipulating data contained in a remote database programmatically. They allow two applications to communicate with one another. If I had to compare an API to a physical entity, it would be a waiter in a restaurant. The waiter takes your order (i.e., request), goes to the kitchen (i.e., API server), and brings you back your food (i.e., response). There are APIs, from retrieving news

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I was a programmer for eight years; this is what I learned.

I learned a lot during my eight years as a programmer. I’m grateful for the experience and for the things I learned. Here are some of the most important things I learned: 1. How to think like a computer This may sound obvious, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Once you learn to think like a computer, it becomes much easier to understand how they work and how to program them. 2. How to break down problems into

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Five .htaccess redirects every developer should know.

.htaccess is a file used on web servers running the Apache HTTP Server to control how the server handles requests for files and directories. It can be used to password-protect directories, redirect traffic, and more. Here are five .htaccess redirects that every developer should know: Redirecting all traffic to https:// If you want to redirect all traffic from http:// to https://, you can add the following code to your .htaccess file: Redirecting www to non-www If you want to redirect traffic from to

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Design patterns and how they can save your software development project.

Design patterns are solutions to common problems that software developers face. They are not specific to any programming language or development environment and can be used in many different situations. Design patterns can be beneficial for improving the quality of your code and making it more maintainable. However, they should be used with caution, as they can sometimes make the code more complex rather than simpler. Design patterns can be a powerful tool for solving common software development problems when

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AWS for Beginners: A Brief Overview

The world of technology is constantly changing, but the need for innovation never seems to slow down. Cloud computing has made it possible for anyone to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) services without building their hardware and infrastructure. But where do you start? This article will serve as a brief overview of AWS, including significant concepts that you should know about this powerful platform. We’ll also discuss the advantages of cloud computing in general, along with some great reasons why you might

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What I learned about Neo4j in 48hours

This blog post will discuss what you can learn in 48 hours of reading about Neo4j. We’ll also discuss why graph databases are useful and how to use them. Finally, we’ll give a summary of the fundamentals of Neo4j. Graph database systems have been around for over 20 years, but they’re just now starting to get adopted by businesses because their benefits are so immense! For example, graphs are great for modelling relationships between entities, which relational databases struggle with

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5 Indications That You Are Progressing As A Programmer

In programming, as in most things in life, results matter most. It’s not about how hard you work or how long you spend on something; it’s about what comes out the other end. This is a lesson that I’ve had to learn the hard way — through a lot of trial and error. In this post, I’ll share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and how they’ve shaped my thinking like a programmer. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful

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What Kenya is Doing to Fight Corruption: Open Contracting

Kenya is on the frontline of fighting corruption in Africa. Recently, Kenya has been pushing for initiatives to fight corruption and one of these initiatives is Open Contracting. In December 2019, the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) invited the Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) to share its experience of working with Uganda’s government to promote Open Contracting at a workshop in Nairobi. OCP conducted the workshop in collaboration with the PPRA and Hivos East Africa. The Ksh22 million bathroom towels On my way to the Intercontinental Hotel,

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5 Signs You’re Becoming A Better Programmer

In programming, as in most things in life, results matter most. It’s not about how hard you work or how long you spend on something; it’s about what comes out the other end. This is a lesson that I’ve had to learn the hard way — through a lot of trial and error. In this post, I’ll share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and how they’ve shaped my thinking like a programmer. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful

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