e-Procurement: A New Hope for Efficient Government Spending in Africa

Public procurement is the process by which governments buy goods and services. It is a critical process, as it accounts for a large proportion of government spending. According to the World Bank, in African countries, public procurement accounts for 20–40% of GDP. Public procurement can have a big impact on the economy. When governments make bad decisions about procurement, it can lead to corruption and waste. On the other hand, well-managed public procurement can lead to increased transparency and accountability and

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The future of Responsible AI: How African governments can lead the charge on responsible AI adoption

When it comes to the future of AI, one question looms large: how can we ensure that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly? This is especially important in Africa, where the adoption of AI is increasing. What is Responsible AI, and why does it matter? The term “responsible AI” has become increasingly popular in recent years. But what exactly is responsible AI, and why does it matter? Responsible AI is a way of making and using AI technologies that

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The Three Most Powerful Tools in Data Analytics: Exploring the Holy Trinity.

Data analytics is the process of examining large data sets to uncover patterns and trends. By doing so, businesses can make better decisions about how to run their operations. Data analytics is a powerful tool that can be used to make informed decisions about everything from product development to marketing strategy. Three primary tools are used in data analytics: data mining, data visualisation, and predictive modelling. Each of these tools serves an essential purpose in the data analysis process. 1.

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Public procurement disclosure in Uganda is on track for a record low since 2015/16

Public procurement is often seen as one of the most opaque and corrupt government areas. This lack of transparency allows for corruption and misuse of public funds and undermines confidence in the government. Public procurement accounts for a large portion of government spending, so the process must be open and transparent to ensure that money is being spent wisely. Transparency also helps to ensure accountability. By disclosing procurement data, agencies and companies are held accountable to the public for how

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution — Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Algorithms: How Will It Affect My Life?

The term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” was first coined by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, in 2016. It describes the transformation our societies and economies undergo due to the rapid development and adoption of new technologies such as smart devices, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and algorithms. This fourth industrial revolution is different from previous ones in that it is further propelled by the increasing connectivity of people and devices and the exponential growth of data.

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